When Johnson spoke about the becoming a huge social library it tickled me inside. Just imagine, you could have 100 lifetimes of knowledge waiting for you to open your mailbox, and all u had to do was type in 3 words or so. In todays net, we have to go search out this info and track down sources and try to verify them. In the future we would only need to sit at the computer or walk with your computer headset ;-) and open your mailbox and pick from thousands of sources ready for your reading and picked according to YOUR request.
As I read this article I thought about Wiki's and how its a community that regulates the data and info there. In the idea that Johnson gave, it would be others interested in your topic, similar to how Wikipedia, for example, is managed, and you have the newest info right there for you to have. No more hours of searching Google or the Library of Congress. Soon enough you will be able to just click and type once and have an unlimited amount of info on ANY topic delivered to you anywhere your computer-device can receive.

I just hope it hurries on up and gets here, cause I need that Web 2.0 to help me do my research paper :-P