The main theme is that Google is infringing on the Copyrights of the authors and pockets of both the authors and publishing companies. At publication, Google had a good number of books published before 1923, scanned and search-able. All these books were mostly published without copyrights and put straight into the public domain (from: Google ran into issues with new books that are still being published and copyrights intact. Google argues that its doing good for the authors and publishers by making all these titles search-able, which will allow more exposure of the works, and will give "majority" of the money made off of this new Google feature, "Google Print", back to the publishers and authors.The authors and publishers on the other hand believe that Google will be doing harm to their business and only make Google more profitable and powerful.
When I read this article, I looked at it from a students perspective. For example, with Google's proposed system I would be able to search millions of books and find the lines or topics I'm looking for just by searching one database. After I find them I have to option to buy the book of i feel that it has what I need. To me its a great idea. But when I look to see what the authors see, I'm confused about why they would be against it. The article mentioned that only a few books sold over 5000 copies in a given year. I see that the smaller authors and publishing firms could have this as a great option to expand their reading and BUYING base.
But as we move further into the Information Age, I see all data becoming public domain eventually and this is one big step in the picture of today and a small step into the future of free trade of information, copyrighted or not ;-). I say give us BOOKS through Google and make our lives easier.
I kinda feel the same way you do as a student... When I need to find something, the first place I go look these days is usually Google. I can see the author's point of view too though.
I can understand to some extent the concern the authors and publishers have, as if I were in their shoes I would be worried that people could get my work and Google wouldn't end up paying me much or anything at all. However, if these books aren't even selling 5,000 copies a year, I agree that I would think it would make sense in the long term for the authors to get more exposure. As much as I like downloading and reading articles on my computer, I don't see myself abandoning actual books anytime soon.
I agree. I don't see why authors and publishers would have a problem with it, because I think it will be beneficial to all parties... especially STUDENTS!! :)
I agree as well. As a student, it's great. I love anything free and convenient. But from the standpoint of authors and publishers, I would be very hesitant and furious. Putting books online can take away their profits. The publishing industry heavily relies on contracts with major bookstores to sell their products. As things have been shifting to the Internet, I can and understand why their profit margins have been narrowing. But with Google's invention, I bet it will be harder to maintain that. To protect their books, they will probably have to set up some contract with Google or make sure their books are copyrighted so that Google cannot put them online. It'll be a new battle for them!
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