Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Buyers and VideoGames....

I know that most people have heard of Nintendo and know that it was one of the first mass distributed videogame system to catch on. But over the last 5 to 7 years they faded to the back of the major video game console market behind Sony's Playstation series and Microsofts Xbox series. I found this article talking about how Nintendo has found a solution and how it began.

How the Wii is creaming the competition

It talks about how the head of Nintendo took the time to see what could be done to improve and expand the market of video games and they hit the jackpot. With the Revolutionary Wii Remote, the Wii, Nintendo's newest console, is utterly smashing Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 sales since January.

I love that the Wii takes games to the next level. Since Nintendo made the basic paddle design for the game controllers and they really haven't changed since, im glad they did what they did.

The Wii is addictive. With all the new involved games you have to get active to play these games now, no more just sitting on the couch being a couch potato. "
Nintendo's top strategists knew early on that they wanted to build a machine with a wireless, motion-sensitive controller." And with that they have a console that plays fun for everyone, 5 year olds to grandma's.

An example of why the Wii is also selling fast is that it comes with its "killer app" Wii Sports, a variety of sports games you can play solo or with friends. These games come with a play mode AND a workout mode. For example the Wii Boxing has you "box" with the Wii remotes in hand it tracks all your movements and transfers them to the character you are controlling. I've played it and didnt expect to work up a sweat, but hey when your having fun work doesn't seem that hard.

I hope everyone gets a chance to try it. If just for fun, hopefully you'll enjoy it.

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